Swiss Re cat bond Index delivers 17.29% total-return in 2024, second-highest ever

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The catastrophe enslaved marketplace delivered the second-highest total-return successful its past successful 2024, reaching 17.29% for the full-year, according to information from the Swiss Re Cat Bond Performance Indices.

While the catastrophe enslaved market’s show fell down the grounds acceptable successful 2023, astatine 17.29% the full-year 2024 total-return implies precise beardown show from catastrophe enslaved money strategies and charismatic returns for feline enslaved investors.

It’s important to enactment though, that managed feline enslaved funds thin not to present rather arsenic precocious a instrumentality arsenic the marketplace Index that is calculated by planetary reinsurance steadfast Swiss Re, with the bulk of strategies having ranged betwixt 12% and astir 15% for full-year 2024 returns, according to our sources.

It is hard to fully-replicate the scale and the bulk of feline enslaved money managers similar to effort and make their ain signifier of returns, based connected their circumstantial absorption and trading philosophy, alternatively than replicate a feline enslaved marketplace beta.

The feline enslaved market’s show successful 2024 reflected a marketplace moving connected record-high hazard involvement spreads supra expected loss, generating important returns for its investors again implicit the past year.

At a 17.29% total-return for 2024 and present having delivered conscionable implicit 40% for the past 2 years, according to the Swiss Re Index, catastrophe bonds stay 1 of the outstanding performers successful the fixed income, alternatives and hedge money categories.


At a 17.29% total-return for 2024, past twelvemonth was the 2nd highest yearly show connected grounds for the Swiss Re feline enslaved Index.

With conscionable a 2.40% differential to the grounds twelvemonth for the Index acceptable successful 2023, this magnitude is astir astir the level of recovered returns from terms gains seen successful the aftermath of 2022’s hurricane Ian not driving the losses that had been anticipated, that came done successful the first-half of 2023, arsenic good arsenic definite different terms related dynamics that year.

Which makes the 2024 yearly instrumentality for Swiss Re’s catastrophe enslaved marketplace Index each the much impressive, arsenic that betterment post-Ian was ne'er going to beryllium repeated. Which underscores conscionable however awesome the 2024 full-year total-return for the feline enslaved marketplace has been.

Looking ahead, however the caller terms softening seen successful superior feline enslaved issues affects total-returns for 2025 remains to beryllium seen.

At this stage, it seems improbable the 2024 total-return would beryllium equalled without a speedy stabilisation of, oregon crook successful pricing trajectory, oregon immoderate different alteration of fortunes.

Catastrophe enslaved pricing has softened in-line with planetary reinsurance and retrocession, successful immoderate cases possibly a small more, arsenic the ratio of these tradable and securitized instruments became evident again successful the last 4th of past year.

You tin work overmuch much connected the caller terms dynamic successful the catastrophe enslaved marketplace successful our marque caller report, disposable to download here.

Despite the caller softening seen, catastrophe enslaved marketplace returns proceed to way astatine historically precocious levels, which you tin spot grounds of present successful our charts displaying cat enslaved pricing and spreads, arsenic good arsenic cat enslaved multiples-at-market, by years and quarters, and successful information from Plenum Investments connected the catastrophe enslaved marketplace yield.

Find each of Artemis’ catastrophe enslaved marketplace charts and information here, oregon via the Artemis Dashboard.

All of our charts are updated arsenic caller catastrophe enslaved issues complete, and arsenic older issuances mature, based connected the information successful Artemis’ extended catastrophe enslaved Deal Directory.

Swiss Re feline enslaved Index delivers 17.29% total-return successful 2024, second-highest ever was published by:
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