Police to carry out Ops Kawal Nusa – roadblocks to be conducted from midnight following end of state polls

11 months ago 226

Police to transportation  retired  Ops Kawal Nusa – roadblocks to beryllium  conducted from midnight pursuing  extremity  of authorities   polls

Roadblocks volition beryllium conducted nationwide from midnight onwards arsenic portion of a post-election operation, The Star reports. According to inspector-general of constabulary (IGP) Tan Sri Razarudin Husain, the cognition is codenamed Ops Kawal Nusa and is aimed astatine transgression prevention arsenic good arsenic to guarantee the information of the radical and nationalist order.

“We besides punctual each supporters not to organise parades oregon ample gatherings erstwhile results are announced. We volition instrumentality stern enactment against immoderate enactment oregon idiosyncratic who breaks the law,” said Razarudin during a peculiar property league astatine Bukit Aman tonight.

The IGP said the constabulary volition besides absorption connected safeguarding authorities palaces and authorities administrative centres. “We privation to guarantee determination is nary disturbance to the respective Sultans and governors. I anticipation this volition proceed during the post-election period,” helium said.

The station Police to transportation retired Ops Kawal Nusa – roadblocks to beryllium conducted from midnight pursuing extremity of authorities polls appeared archetypal connected Paul Tan's Automotive News.

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