McDonald’s Quarter Pounder

1 year ago 298

McDonald’s Quarter Pounder is an iconic burger loved by many. You tin marque this tasty hamburger astatine location with this casual copycat recipe.

Copycat McDonald's 4th   pounder burger.

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Homemade Quarter Pounder

The Big Mac whitethorn get each the glory, but McDonald’s Quarter Pounder is simply a amended burger successful galore ways. With a acold superior beef to bun ratio and constricted toppings, you tin truly sensation the meat.

But you don’t person to deed up a drive-in the adjacent clip you get a burger craving. Try this McDonald’s Quarter Pounder recipe, oregon if you are a cheese-lover, marque it a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with cheese!

So, How Do You Really Order a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder With Cheese successful France?

Back successful the mid-1990s, this question puzzled theater-goers. Was Samuel L. Jackson’s quality Julian successful Pulp Fiction right? Do the French truly telephone McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with cheese, Royale with cheese?

Well, it turns retired that Julian got it mostly correct. The French telephone it Royal Cheese. So, the adjacent clip you are successful Paris and craving a cheeseburger, you won’t embarrass yourself erstwhile ordering.

Recipe Ingredients

Here’s a database of what you request to marque McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with cheese:

  • Dehydrated onion
  • Ground beef chuck
  • Sesame effect hamburger buns 
  • Salt 
  • American cheese slices
  • Dill pickle slices 
  • Tomato ketchup 
  • Mustard
Ingredients for copycat McDonald's 4th   pounder.

Ingredient Notes

Let’s Talk Beef

McDonald’s says their restaurants usage a premix of chuck, round, and sirloin for the beef patty, but your champion stake for this look is sticking to crushed chuck with astir 20 percent fat.

The higher abdominous contented lets you navigator the patties afloat without drying them out. But, each that juiciness comes with a caveat; there’s going to beryllium a bully magnitude of shrinkage. To compensate, commencement with patties that are a 3rd of a pound, truthful you upwind up with a afloat cooked 4th pounder.

Resist the impulse to play the crushed beef earlier making the patties. Instead, bash it the McDonald’s mode by sprinkling brackish connected the patties erstwhile they are cooking. Seasoning similar this prevents the brackish from drafting retired the moisture from the nutrient and delivers the aforesaid magnitude of spirit utilizing importantly little salt.

Getting the Toppings Right

Some burgers play second-fiddle to the toppings, and past immoderate fto the beef bash each the talking. With lone onions, ketchup, and mustard, this hamburger decidedly falls into the 2nd group.

One happening that separates McDonald’s hamburgers from others is that they usage rehydrated dried minced onions. It’s champion not to effort to “upgrade” by utilizing caller onions since you’ll beryllium losing their unsocial spirit profile. Put speech your doubts and instrumentality the other measurement of rehydrating the onions. You won’t beryllium disappointed.

McDonald’s utilized to service Heinz ketchup, but backmost successful 2013, they changed things up and started utilizing their ain ketchup labeled “Fancy Ketchup.” No matter. Any regular ketchup works successful this recipe.

When it comes to mustard, spell with the modular yellowish American mustard. Even if you are not a monolithic instrumentality of mustards, effort immoderate successful this recipe. The vinegary sensation helps to equilibrium the saltiness of the beef and isn’t overpowering astatine all.

Cheese fans volition emotion the American food that is connected this burger. You tin marque a amended McDonald burger erstwhile you usage a bully prime American cheese.

How to Make McDonald’s Quarter Pounder

  1. If utilizing dried (dehydrated) onions, rehydrate them with lukewarm h2o for 15 minutes past drain disconnected the excess water.
  2. Toast the buns successful a formed robust oregon stainless alloy skillet implicit mean vigor for astir a infinitesimal oregon until browned.
  3. Form the beef into 4 adjacent balls and spot each shot betwixt waxed insubstantial oregon integrative wrapper and mildly property the nutrient into discs.
  4. Cook the patties successful the skillet for 3 to 4 minutes connected each side.
  5. Season the patties with brackish earlier and aft you flip them implicit successful the skillet.
Collage of toasting buns and cooking patties for 4th   pounder burgers.
  1. Place a bottommost bun connected a plate.
  2. Place a portion of food connected the bun, past a burger patty, and past different food slice.
  3. Top with pickles, onions, ketchup, and mustard.
  4. Cover the burger with the apical bun.
  5. Repeat gathering the burgers with the remaining ingredients.
Collage of assembling a McDonald's 4th   pounder.

Tips For Making a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder

Cook the burgers connected the close surface. A dense cast-iron skillet oregon griddle is perfect since they clasp a changeless temperature. But immoderate level cooking aboveground volition work. Just fto it travel up to somesthesia earlier cooking.

Don’t hide to toast those buns. For an other crispy bun, dispersed a thin, adjacent furniture of mayonnaise and spot cut-side down successful a pan.

Copycat McDonald's 4th   pounder burgers with food  and gallic  fries.

Do you privation a debased carb version? 

You tin swap retired the buns with ample leaves of lettuce. Changing retired the lettuce leaves is simply a important alteration successful reducing the nett carbs.

Check retired our other McDonald’s-inspired recipes on YouTube!

Closeup of a copycat McDonald's 4th   pounder burger.

Love McDonald’s? Try these copycat recipes!

Popular Burger Recipes

Check retired much of my homemade burger recipes and the champion McDonalds recipes present connected CopyKat!

Copycat McDonald's 4th   pounder burger.
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McDonald’s Quarter Pounder

You tin marque McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese astatine location with this casual copycat recipe.
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Keyword cheeseburger, hamburger, McDonald’s Recipes, McDonalds’s Quarter Pounder, Quarter Pounder
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 675kcal


  • 1 tablespoon dehydrated minced achromatic onions or immoderate caller minced onions
  • 4 sesame effect hamburger buns
  • 1 1/3 pounds ground beef chuck this allows for immoderate shrinkage
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 8 slices American cheese
  • 8 dill pickle slices
  • 1 1/3 tablespoons mustard
  • 3 1/3 to 4 tablespoons ketchup


  • If utilizing dehydrated onions, soak the onions successful 1/2 cupful lukewarm h2o for 15 minutes to rehydrate. Drain.
  • Toast the buns successful a cast-iron oregon stainless-steel skillet implicit mean vigor for astir 1 minute, oregon until they brown. Set aside.
  • Form the crushed beef into 4 adjacent balls. Place each shot of nutrient betwixt 2 sheets of waxed insubstantial oregon integrative wrapper and mildly property the nutrient into disc shapes. Do not property excessively hard, arsenic the patties whitethorn autumn apart.
  • In the aforesaid skillet you utilized to toast the buns, navigator the patties for 3 to 4 minutes connected each side. Season each broadside with brackish portion cooking.
  • Place the bottommost buns connected a plate. To each bun add: a portion of American cheese, 1 burger patty, different portion of American cheese, 2 pickle slices, 1 spoon of onions, 1 spoon of mustard, and 2 to 3 teaspoons of ketchup. Cover the burger with the apical bun.


Calories: 675kcal | Carbohydrates: 26g | Protein: 38g | Fat: 45g | Saturated Fat: 20g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 17g | Trans Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 149mg | Sodium: 1540mg | Potassium: 580mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 464IU | Vitamin C: 2mg | Calcium: 552mg | Iron: 5mg
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