Applebee’s Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Wings

1 year ago 272

Applebee’s Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Wings are incredibly tasty and large for an appetizer oregon dinner. Chicken wings are breaded with crushed Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and baked until crispy. Serve them with celery sticks and ranch oregon bluish food dressing.

Copycat Applebee's Flamin' Hot Cheetos Wings connected  a plate.

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What Makes Applebee’s Hot Cheetos Chicken Wings So Good? 

Some radical similar it hot, and if you’re a subordinate of the seared sensation bud club, you are going to emotion these Hot Cheetos chickenhearted wings. These wings are spicy with a splash of blistery condiment and person a crunchy exterior of the astir addictive snack ever: Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

Just beryllium careful. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos wings are truthful tasty that you whitethorn devour the full batch without realizing it!

Why You Should Try Applebees Cheetos Wings

Expand your helping look repertoire with this tasty recipe. Not lone are these wings bursting with aggravated flavor, but you besides marque them successful the oven and not the fryer!

That means they are easier to navigator and overmuch amended for your wellness without sacrificing immoderate of the sensation you love. 

Cheetos Wings Ingredients

For Applebee’s Hot Cheetos Wings, you’ll need:

  • Raw chickenhearted wings
  • All-purpose flour
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Eggs
  • Whole milk
  • Hot sauce
  • Crunchy Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

Any marque of blistery condiment volition enactment successful this recipe, but Franks RedHot or Crystal’s Lousiana are some fantabulous choices. 

Copycat Applebee's Flamin' Hot Cheetos Wings ingredients.

How to Make Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Wings 

  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. 
  2. Crush the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos into crumbs. You tin spot them into a integrative container and usage a rolling pin, oregon amended yet, usage a nutrient processor oregon a blender.
  3. Cut the wings into drumettes, flats, and tips if they are not already cut. Store and prevention the tips for making chickenhearted broth. Watch this video connected how to chopped chickenhearted wings.
  4. To acceptable up the breading station, spot 3 wide, shallow bowls connected your enactment aboveground and grease a baking tray. 
  5. Use a fork to disturbance unneurotic the flour, salt, achromatic pepper, and ail pulverization successful the archetypal bowl. 
  6. Whisk unneurotic the eggs, full milk, and blistery condiment successful the 2nd bowl. 
  7. Pour the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos crumbs into the 3rd bowl.
  8. Coat a helping successful the adust flour mixture. Shake disconnected the excess and transportation it to the bedewed ovum blistery condiment mixture. Finish by rolling it successful the Cheetos crumbs. Place the coated chickenhearted onto the greased baking tray successful a azygous layer.
  9. Repeat with the remaining wings. 
  10. Place the tray with the breaded chickenhearted wings into the oven and cook for 18 to 20 minutes. Flip the chickenhearted halfway done the cooking time. 
  11. Cool the baked chickenhearted wings connected a ligament rack for a fewer minutes earlier serving them successful a handbasket oregon connected a platter.
Collage of steps for making Applebee's Flamin' Hot Cheetos Wings.


Choose the level of vigor you prefer. Swap the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos for regular ones if you are not looking for thing excessively spicy. Or amusement nary respect for your lingua and choose Xxtra Flamin’ Hot Cheetos instead!

Copycat Applebee's Flamin' Hot Cheetos Wings, ranch dressing, and celery connected  a achromatic  plate.

What to Serve With Cheetos Wings

Don’t hide to marque 1 oregon much dips oregon dipping sauces. Ranch dressing, Sriracha-Mayo, and Spicy Queso Cheese are each large options for dipping. Add carrot and celery sticks to implicit the meal.

How to Store the Leftovers 

Let the baked wings chill to country somesthesia and enactment them successful an airtight instrumentality successful the fridge for up to 3 days. For storing them longer than that, effort freezing them. They should enactment caller for up to 2 months. 

What’s the Best Way to Reheat Applebees Cheetos Wings?

Thaw frozen Applebee’s Hot Cheetos Wings successful the fridge overnight earlier reheating:

To reheat:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  2. Place the Cheetos wings connected a greased baking tray and screen the tray with aluminum foil.
  3. Bake the wings covered for 10 minutes. 
  4. Remove the aluminum foil and flip implicit the chickenhearted pieces. Spray the chickenhearted with cooking lipid if you privation them to beryllium other crunchy.
  5. Cook the wings uncovered until they are crispy, astir 5 minutes. 
Overhead presumption    of copycat Applebee's Flamin' Hot Cheetos Wings, ranch, and celery connected  parchment paper.

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Copycat Applebee's Flamin' Hot Cheetos Wings connected  a plate.
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Applebee’s Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Wings

You tin marque Applebee's Flaming Hot Cheetos Chicken Wings astatine location with this casual copycat recipe.
Course Appetizer
Cuisine American
Keyword Applebees Recipes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Servings 8
Calories 186kcal


  • 2 pounds raw chickenhearted wings
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 large eggs
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 teaspoons hot sauce
  • 8.5 ounces Flamin’ Hot Cheetos finely crushed
  • ranch dressing for dipping optional
  • hot condiment for dipping optional
  • celery sticks for serving optional


  • Preheat the oven to 425°F and hole a ample baking expanse with non-stick cooking spray.
  • In a shallow bowl, harvester flour, salt, capsicum and ail powder. Mix good utilizing a fork.
  • In a abstracted tiny bowl, bushed unneurotic eggs, milk, and blistery sauce. Beat until afloat blended.
  • Add Flamin’ Hot Cheetos crumbs to a 3rd shallow vessel oregon plate.
  • Work each chickenhearted helping done your dipping stations 1 astatine a time, starting with the flour station. Toss the helping good successful the flour, coating evenly and fully.
  • Next, determination the helping to the ovum station, submerging it wholly wrong the ovum mixture.
  • Lastly, rotation the helping done the furniture of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos wings, coating it completely. Repeat this process for each wings, moving each helping astatine a clip earlier placing them connected the baking sheet.
  • Bake wings for 18 to 20 minutes. When done, let the wings to chill for astir 5 minutes earlier serving.
  • Serve with further blistery condiment for coating oregon dipping, ranch dressing, and/or celery sticks.


Use a nutrient processor to crush the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos crumbs. You privation those arsenic good arsenic possible.
Consider purchasing 2 bags of Cheetos. While rolling each helping done the Cheetos, you whitethorn announcement the ovum oregon flour substance hitch disconnected into the Cheeto crumbs. A 2nd container allows you to guarantee your crumbs are fresh!
After crushing the Cheetos, the colour volition beryllium agleam blistery red.
Wash hands often portion breading these wings.
The breading connected these wings does enactment attached well. However, grip them gently.


Calories: 186kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 14g | Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 94mg | Sodium: 382mg | Potassium: 133mg | Fiber: 0.3g | Sugar: 0.3g | Vitamin A: 167IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 22mg | Iron: 1mg
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