Abracadabra Protocol To Counter CRV Risk With 200% Interest Rate Hike

8 months ago 103

DeFi lending protocol, Abracadabra Money, is presently debating a connection to boost the involvement complaint successful its CRV lending markets arsenic it looks to mitigate its vulnerability to the DeFi token. 

In the past fewer days, CRV  has seen its worth diminution importantly owed to the caller Curve Finance exploit connected Sunday, which resulted successful a full nonaccomplishment of implicit $60 million. According to information from CoinMarketCap, CRV is presently trading astatine $0.56, with an 8.28% nonaccomplishment successful the past 24 hours.

Abracadabra Exposed To Significant CRV Risk Levels

In a governance proposal submitted connected Aug 1, DAO contributor and assemblage manager Romy highlighted that Abracadabra was presently exposed to a important level of CRV risk.

To code this situation, the connection contains a strategy that introduces collateral-based involvement to some CRV cauldrons – lending markets – connected Abracadabra.

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Romy stated that Curve Finance, the underlying level of CRV, has seen its TVL negatively affected implicit the past period by respective events, including the Conic Finance Hack, the JPEG’d exploit, and the onslaught connected Curve itself. 

In particular, Romy noted that the theft of $25 cardinal from Curve’s CRV/ETH excavation had impacted the on-chain liquidity for CRV, altering the conditions that led to the adoption of the token arsenic a collateral plus connected Abracadabra. 

In addition, the connection besides noted that Abracadabra had recorded CRV outflows toward markets with little Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratios and higher involvement rates. Together, each these factors person affected CRV’s terms and liquidity, prompting the request for Abracadabra to trim its vulnerability to the token.


Abracadabra’s Proposed Strategy To Introduce 200% Interest Hike

As earlier stated, Romy’s governance connection aims to screen Abracadabra CRV’s hazard by applying collateral-based involvement to the 2 CRV lending markets connected the platform. It was stated that this strategy had been antecedently implemented with the WBTC and WETH cauldrons. 

This instauration of collateral-based interests would let Abracadabra to levy involvement straight connected each CRV cauldron’s collateral which is straight transferred to the protocol’s treasury and converted to Abracardra’s autochthonal stablecoin MIM, either via on-chain oregon off-chain transactions. 

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Based connected projections, Romy stated that this strategy would let Abracadabra to boost its treasury reserve and chopped imaginable losses owed to CRV vulnerability to astir $5M borrowed MIM. 

Under the caller projected involvement structure, the involvement rates volition beryllium determined based connected 2 factors: the combined outstanding main of the CRV cauldrons and the collateral ratio of each cauldron. 

The basal involvement complaint volition alteration depending connected the full borrowed amount, classified into 3 ranges: $0M-$5M, $5M-$10M, and $10M-$18M. For instance, arsenic the existent outstanding main stands astatine $18M, the basal involvement complaint would beryllium acceptable astatine 200%. 

Using this rate, it is estimated that the indebtedness would beryllium wholly covered successful six months’ time. Furthermore, the collateral ratio would power the involvement multiplier, with ratios ranging from <= 40% to <= 70% correlating to multipliers of 1x, 5x, 10x, and 25x, respectively.  

According to the proposal, this involvement complaint operation ensures the maximum chances of “full main recovery” for Abracadabra.

The voting session for this connection commenced connected Aug. 1. and volition tally for lone 46 hours owed to the expected urgency of the matter. As of the clip of writing, 51 members of the Abracadabra DAO person placed their votes, with 99.74% supporting the proposal. 

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